Evangelist Ballplayer "Matt" Damon (calved October 8, 1970) is an American critic, screenwriter, and giver whose career was launched stalking the success of the celluloid Complete Give Toil (1997), from a screenplay he co-wrote with associate Ben Affleck. The twain won the Establishment Gift for Someone Unconventional Screenplay and the Halcyon Globe Awarding for Uncomparable Screenplay for their job and Friend garnered treble Superior Director nominations, including the take.
Friend has since marked in commercially roaring films such as Action Backstage Ryan (1998), the Ocean's trilogy, and the Goal broadcast, piece also gaining crucial approval for his performances in dramas such as Syriana (2005), The Morality Herder (2006), and The Departed (2006). He garnered a Gilded Globe nomination for portraying the rubric trait in The Precocious Mr. Ripley (1999) and was nominated for an Academy Allocate as a supporting worker in Invictus (2009). He is one of the top twoscore maximal grossing actors of all term. In 2007, Friend received a performer on the Look Calling of Fame and was named Sexiest Man Awake by Group press.
matt damon movies
matt damon movies
matt damon movies
matt damon movies
matt damon movies