Diesel's Third "Riddick" Set For 2012

You have to give full props to Vin Diesel for making good use of the social media verse, the actor continues making his Facebook page the outlet for official scoops on his upcoming projects.

Today he posted another new piece of artwork and floated a potential release date for the third "Riddick" movie he and David Twohy have been working on. Here's a copy of his posting:

"In the spirit of Creative Sundays…I asked the director to send a key frame that I could post it for you. Concept art and Key frames allow a production to explore possibilities before actually committing to the film.

The road to the “R” rating, that so many of you were vocal about, has been a long one. The advantage however, (never empower the negatives) was that we were allowed a really extensive preproduction process. The art work so good, the artists have really outdone themselves in illustrating this world at [its] early stage.

When this film comes to the screen…know that you willed it into being! I got two meetings today that I have been prepping for…one with the Director and another one with the head of the studio to discuss casting and the 2012 release date. Like always, I appreciate having your voice present in these meetings."
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